Philanthropy News Archive
Donor Stories Archive
For Love of Her Community Hospital
Marcia Guess has experienced Beverly’s population boom over the years since she relocated here. Her love for this scenic community has grown with each passing year, and one constant has been the value of Beverly Hospital. Now, she has created a Charitable Gift Annuity for the hospital.
Ralph E. Bates Nursing Certification Program to Benefit Patient Care
North Shore philanthropist Ralph Bates passionately supports efforts that improve individuals’ lives. He has a strong history of funding local organizations and projects that lift people up. The self-made businessman this month made his first major gift to Beverly Hospital, specifically for a program that supports nursing certification in their specialty area, including acute care, oncology, and cardiac medicine.
Gift Launches Emergency Department Expansion
The state-of-the-art space will incorporate a host of pandemic-ready features and include an additional ambulance entrance separate from the main ED.
Hospital Executive Runs 5K for Fellow Cancer Survivors
When Rebecca Imperiali stepped out to run a 3.1-mile course as part of the 2021 Virtual Lahey Cancer Institute 5K Walk & Run, that 5K had special meaning for her. She ran in this annual event for her eighth consecutive year not “just” as a participant, but as many things. As a veteran marathon runner. As a Ribbons of Hope team member. As a longtime Beverly Hospital staff member and current vice president of philanthropy for Beverly and Addison Gilbert Hospitals. And in 2021, Rebecca ran as a cancer survivor.
Investment in Nursing Certification to Benefit Patient Care
North Shore philanthropist Ralph Bates passionately supports efforts that improve individuals’ lives. The gregarious, self-made businessman and longtime resident of Manchester-by-the-Sea made his first major gift to Beverly Hospital, specifically for a program that supports nursing certification in their specialty area, including acute care, oncology, and cardiac medicine.
Meet Tom Sands
In April 2021, the Board of Trustees and teams at Beverly and Addison Gilbert Hospitals welcomed Tom Sands as our new president. In this role, Tom is ensuring our hospitals’ continued ability to deliver high-quality, patient-centered care to communities along the North Shore and leading the way for us to thrive well into the future.
Meet Bruce Nardella, Chair, Board of Trustees
Beverly and Addison Gilbert Hospitals have named Bruce Nardella as Chair of the Board of Trustees. A thoughtful and informed leader who has supported the hospitals for more than 25 years, Bruce has a background in helping people gain access to healthcare.
Generations of Care
The team at Beverly Hospital is thrilled to have received a gift of $465,000 from the Evelyn Lilly Lutz Foundation to support recruitment and retention for key roles.
Improving Access
Last year, Beverly Hospital opened its newly expanded Behavioral Health Pod in the Emergency Department. The 10-bed unit provides a more spacious, therapeutic environment where patients can be evaluated and await a transfer to an in-patient psychiatric unit or other specialized care facility, if needed.
Support Beverly’s Marathon Runners
Learn more about our exceptional marathoners running with Team BILH on behalf of Beverly Hospital.
Building Trust
Renovations at the Emergency Department are underway, spearheaded by Heaton and Henrietta Robertson’s generosity. Philanthropy greatly impacts our ability to continue to meet the growing needs of our community and provide high-quality, compassionate care.
A Lifetime of Commitment
Austin O’Keeffe, MD, reflects on his career and retirement after close to half a century dedicated to improving the health and well-being of patients on the North Shore.