In late 2020, during one of the most challenging times in BID Needham’s history, Valerie Trotman did what she has done so many times in recent years—made a transformative gift to the hospital that had an immediate impact on patient care. The $4.3 million gift from the Trotman Family, the largest in the hospital’s history, expanded two essential services to meet the needs of complex patients throughout the hospital—behavioral health and the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). As Somnath Bose, MD, the ICU Medical Director explains, “With the expanded ICU, as patients were admitted with COVID-19, we had advanced ventilators and other equipment and, more importantly, a permanent team of specialized experienced clinicians dedicated to the ICU.”

BID Needham has had tremendous growth over the past 10 years, and the campus now boasts world-class medical care with a new cancer center, operating rooms, and a clinical center. And while so much of the growth and philanthropy has gone to bricks and mortar, the Trotman Family gift demonstrated the power of philanthropy to jumpstart program expansions that enhance patient care and enable more complex care to be delivered in-house. The timing of the gift was significant as COVID-19 was straining the hospital’s capacity and demonstrating the need for more advanced capabilities. This gift also established the Trotman Behavioral Health Director, an endowed position that will remain in place in perpetuity and address the unmet needs for behavioral health care among patients.

BID Needham’s transformation would not be possible without the steadfast support from Trotman and her family, who are motivated by the enduring benefit that the hospital provides to the community. Trotman’s husband, Alex, died suddenly when they were in England, at a small hospital in Yorkshire. The compassionate care that Trotman and her husband received from the smallest community hospital in England continues to inspire her philanthropy. When Trotman learned of the opportunity to expand the expertise in the ICU, it was immediately appealing to have the availability of critical care in the community.

Bose came to BID Needham in November 2020 to lead the transition of the ICU to a model where intensivists, or critical care physicians, are the primary physicians for patients in the ICU, overseeing every aspect of care. Bose is building a robust team that includes physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and respiratory therapists, all with advanced training in critical care. “It’s all about the team, no one person can come and make all the difference. We are blessed to have a compassionate, motivated team in Needham who are committed to taking the ICU to the next level.”

“The Trotman family has been extremely generous with their gift. Now our ICU is well-positioned with significant upgrades to care for patients with more complex needs.” Bose explains that over the last nine months, there have been a lot of firsts for the hospital, including advanced ventilator therapies and initiation of dialysis. While COVID-19 was the motivation to move to an intensivist model in the ICU, the benefits will be felt far into the future as the hospital can now perform more complex surgeries and provide the advanced critical care needed post-operatively. “It is a tremendous value for the community, to be able to care for loved ones closer to home, even for patients with higher acuity of illness.”

When asked why the hospital remains her philanthropic priority, Trotman explains, “My view of philanthropy is that I give to things that are special to me, and where I can see and feel the impact. Whenever I am in the hospital for myself or accompanying my family, I experience a tremendous feeling of community and caring among the staff at BID Needham.”

As Bose looks to the future, he would like to improve the patient experience in the ICU, especially for end-of-life care. This focus on compassion and caring for patients and their families in a cutting-edge medical setting close to home is exactly what Trotman hopes for BID Needham also.