In September, we welcomed more than 200 guests to the Lahey Hospital & Medical Center 100th Anniversary Celebration at the Crowne Plaza in Woburn, Massachusetts. Board of Trustees Chair Jane C. Edmonds greeted everyone with excitement in celebrating 100 years of excellence at Lahey while looking toward the future. 

Edmonds shared a touching story about her history with Lahey and then introduced Kevin Tabb, MD, President and CEO of Beth Israel Lahey Health (BILH). Tabb spoke about Lahey’s remarkable legacy, as well as the critical role Lahey plays in BILH’s strategic plan, Blueprint 2030. “Lahey is an anchor institution in the community and in the BILH system. The hospital’s legacy positions us for an extraordinary future,” said Tabb. 

Tabb introduced Susan Moffatt-Bruce, MD, PhD, President of Lahey. She thanked the dedicated philanthropists who play a key role in making Lahey’s vision a reality. Moffatt-Bruce also recognized the forthcoming UMass Chan-Lahey regional medical school campus, along with Chancellor Michael Collins, MD. She invited Sidney Alexander, MD, a Lahey cardiologist for 60 years and a Nobel Prize laureate, to give a toast to Lahey’s storied history.

After the toast, Department of Surgery Chair Emeritus Patricia Roberts, MD, reflected on her 35-year tenure at Lahey. Moffatt-Bruce then invited Executive Vice Chair of Operations for Radiology Jalil Afnan, MD, on stage, where he spoke to his deep commitment to providing personalized, patient-centered care. 

Fellows Natalie Dal’bo, MD, and Miguel Dorante, MD, then shared their positive experiences at Lahey and their hopes for the future of healthcare. “Lahey has taught me what it means to deliver compassionate, well-rounded care, and has given me all the opportunities necessary to surpass my potential,” said Dal’bo. 

Moffatt-Bruce closed the evening by highlighting Lahey’s uniquely caring and supportive culture, and thanking the audience for joining this special evening.

See photos from the 100th Anniversary Celebration. 

All photos are credited to Theresa Johnson Photography, Inc.