Focus on Diversity

Leverett Wing Walks the Talk

Board Diversity Task Force Chair and Leadership Board Member

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center has long been known for its commitment to health equity and serving diverse communities with cultural competency. Behind the medical center’s dedicated efforts to create more equitable health outcomes is an incredible group of individuals who come together to build boards that reflect the diversity of the communities we serve—the BIDMC Board Diversity Task Force.

Established in 2019, the task force is chaired by longtime community organizer and Leadership Board member Leverett Wing, the Executive Director of the Commonwealth Seminar, whose work has benefitted organizations on the local and national scale. An essential voice in the BIDMC community, Leverett first became involved with the medical center after his family members received care. Since then, his relationship with the organization has grown, and as leader of the Board Diversity Task Force, he drives meaningful change that is helping BIDMC better meet the needs of patients of all backgrounds. 

Leverett takes pride in the medical center’s commitment to moving beyond ideas into action. “BIDMC is an entity that walks the talk,” he says. “It is an organization with a track record of getting things done and bringing about change within the community. The InSPIRE strategic plan, strengthening community health care, and the Klarman Building are just a few examples of BIDMC looking toward the future and making a difference here in Boston.”

He is keenly aware of the importance of incorporating diverse voices into organizational decision-making. “Our members bring invaluable perspectives of their respective communities to the highest leadership levels, and that’s why having representation at the board level is so important,” says Leverett. “There is incredible sincerity and intent in our conversations, and we are always looking for ways to move the needle forward.” With the help of leaders like Leverett, BIDMC continues to cement itself as an institution that is improving lives every day.

FY23 Board Diversity Task Force: Anja Langbein-Park, Tracey West, Bob Kelly, Pam Scott, Carol Fulp, Leverett Wing, Clayton Turnbull, Alan Rottenberg

As he works to advance current efforts to create a more welcoming and inclusive BIDMC, Leverett is also looking ahead. He feels that ushering in the next generation to board-related activities is imperative to BIDMC’s continued success. “It’s incredible seeing younger generations getting involved in this work—they have such great energy and ideas…Elevating younger voices is something I’m incredibly passionate about.”

In addition to championing the involvement of young people, Leverett serves on many different boards at organizations that strive to bring power and voice to underrepresented communities. Notably, he serves on the Board of Trustees at Joslin Diabetes Center, where he helped mobilize a national project called the Asian American Diabetes Initiative, which seeks to improve the understanding and treatment of diabetes among Asian Americans.

Leverett is an outstanding member of the BIDMC community, whose insights and guidance meaningfully enhance our approach to bringing high-quality, compassionate care to the diverse communities we serve. Ultimately, we could not succeed in our mission without dedicated leaders like him and the generous community of advocates and supporters who make our work possible. “BIDMC leads by example on a national scale,” says Leverett. “It all comes back to philanthropy, which continues to be a driving force in bringing about new innovations, initiatives, and facilities that help mitigate barriers in health care.”